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This blog provides: spontaneous, unsolicited, unfiltered advice, opinions, guidance, counsel, directions, commentary, diatribes, rants, complaints, accolades, reviews, corrections, and critiques.

This blog imparts the aforementioned about the following: experiences, products, fashion, language, make-up, shoes, cities, culture, books, travel, relationships, babies, friends, gym, food, parties, alcohol, music, work, society, politics, deals, predicaments, minor medical issues, current events, stars, photos, and morality.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Eyebrow threading: My favorite way to brighten my face, and my mood.

Eyebrows are one of the most important features on a woman's face. Despite their minimum facial real estate, busted brows can mess up a whole look.
I am fully obsessed with my eyebrows -- not to mention with those of others: eek! -- and I find that I am so much happier with my smiling face when my sparse brows are primly groomed. Hence, my favorite way to get a quick pick-me-up (that is, without spending 400 on a fab new handbag, which would do the trick faster than you can say Marc By Marc Jacobs) is to lay down seven fat Euros and get my eyebrows threaded. The place to go in this city is Le Centre de Beauté Indien, with two locations in Paris Xème. The threaders are real pros and if you can stand the five minutes of prickly pangs, you too will walk out with beautifully sculpted brows, trimmed just so. I recommend it to anyone looking for a cheap change that will make all the difference.